Thursday, March 30, 2006

How it all Began

21st July 2004.


I was at the Bangalore Cantonment Railway Station waiting to board the Udyan Express to Mumbai. My Entire family had assembled to bid me goodbye. It was like a political gathering. I could hardly talk to anyone, meanwhile I saw the train approaching. I boarded the train and managed to secure my seat.

The cubicle was interesting in its own way. There were two individuals who were more like students and the other one who was very much not so. I sat in my seat and took stock of the situation, the cubicle was gloomy except for the occasional laughter which I got used to after a while. I have had the habit of reserving the upper berth in the train , It gives me the freedom to do whatever I want but unfortunately the upper berth was laden with luggage very similar to the kind I was traveling with. At first I ran a surveillance to determine the owner but in vain. The owner had very systematically avoided any possible hints indicating his ownerhood of the luggage kept in my berth. In fact now I had no alternative but to listen to the conversation that was going on. The individuals earlier mentioned as students had begun to talk a lot about anything and everything. I was a mere listener to the guffaw that was now resonating in the cubicle.

I perched up in my berth and started to pen down what was happening. I found the space was not sufficient due to the luggage kept in my berth and that made me a lot more uncomfortable , I guessed that the chap who was busy conversing with his colleague down under must be the owner of the luggage and requested him to clear it. He found my request very unreasonable and passed some comments (as if it wasn't a big deal at all ) . I had to press my request further to make it look very serious and he finally acceded to the unreasonable demand made by me.

It was hot up there and my enthusiasm knew no bounds, I started dreaming ...... about mumbai, and getting back to the student life which i missed dearly during my stint as a software professional. I wanted to do everything which I could not during my Engineering and was so very looking forward to the entire 2 years. I wanted to participate in every sports, cultural activities, and God knows what not...... Of course pretty Girls......... oops ! somebody tugged me , I guessed it was the pretty lass whom I was dreaming about, but very vividly I saw Mr TTE demanding the ticket to be examined. He infact broke my dreams and since then girls have stopped visiting even in my dreams.

So the journey continues and the so does the conversation in the lower berth. Did I describe the Individuals. The Guy was dressed in a short shirt and a jean , was wearing spectacles and was of course vociferous. The girl was in a cotton salwar suit and sported a designer spectacle. I guess she was reading a novel ( The Da Vinci Code ). For the first few times when the name of the novel was mentioned , I assumed that the two of them were working on a top secret mission.


As I had no business but to be dragged into listening what the conversation was all about ( Eavesdropping) . I was alarmed when I heard a combination of words " Laptops " + " IIT " . Yes Indeed I had seen this combination on my admission order. I realized that the secret mission the individuals had undertaken had something to do with the very purpose of my journey as well. I started listening intently and here goes the magic word out of their mouth " SJMSOM ". Lo and Behold !!! I am traveling with my future classmates who are going to join me in our respective endeavors to strive and achieve for a MoM Degree. That’s what the course which we were supposed to pursue called, Don’t worry nothing maternal about it or Nothing Human about it as well.

Now things looked clear and I was about to Introduce myself .... Something happened !!!! I started hearing voices not from inside me but from my fellow classmates discussion. The words were " Strategy " , " Supply Chain Management " , " competitive Advantage " , " Peter Drucker " . I told myself " Run for your Life " . I was highly Intimidated and did not muster up enough courage to even glance at them. I fell into deep slumber ( or state of suspended animation ). When I woke up it was night , I got down sat next to them and pretended to sleep. I could not sleep because the discussion was still going on and highly Invigorating ( as a matter of fact , It was disturbing me ). I had a light meal and so did the guy. I was curious about the girl, she had a liquid diet and should have sufficed her modest frame.


We were still in the train (because I had dreamt of the train falling down the cliff ). My colleagues had got up by then and the guy for once was silent and had started admiring the Nature and its melancholy. I managed to get hold of a copy of Newspaper and kept myself busy reading the newspaper trying to avoid any discussions with them. The guy was now trying to start a new topic and He ended up choosing politics ( My Survival Instincts started working overtime , I had to flee).


I had to come back to my seat because of the sporadic attacks of the eunuchs on the train. They scare the shit out of u. I had begun to feel guilty about the entire episode, because now the SJMSOM word was used very frequently and I had no excuse. I was wondering what could be the best way to Break the Ice ( Possibly Break it on his head ). I remained quiet and was expecting a miracle to happen and so did one.......

I saw a man in his mid twenties having the smile of Gautama Buddha and glow of Bhagwan Mahavira in a deadly combination walking past me. He breezed past me as if the God Almighty had just apprised him of my situation. He gave a gentle smile and It reminded me of none other than my High School buddy. Of course he was my buddy during my school days and I was overwhelmed to meet him.I struck a conversation with him and was surprised to know that he was also familiar with the magical combination "SJMSOM" + "IIT" +" Laptops".

Now my future classmates who were in a discussion were alarmed when they heard about the magical combination of words, they immediately turned towards us and started an introductory discussion with my friend.

I felt like like jumping out of the train , I have not Introduced myself yet , What in the name of Almighty am I doing.......


Now my friend asked me the Inevitable question " WHERE TO ??"
I very meekly answered " Powai ".
He asked me if it was for an M.Tech Course?
I started using monosyllables . NO was the instant reply.
He continued asking me " THEN WHAT "
I replied " Master of Management @ SJMSOM "
My Friend was overwhelmed but my future classmates were searching for a Laptop to break it on my head.

I felt very ashamed and embarrassed, I admitted that I knew all the while that they were my classmates and preferred to withhold information.

They were very curious to know about the Reason behind such an Act

I honestly replied " BUT , I DIDN"T WANT TO DISTURB YOU"

They all burst into a laughter.


I, Me, Myself

Later on we came to know each other and ended up being good friends @ IIT Bombay. Till this day this event has been circulated , told, retold, modified and spiced , but the copyrights of the original version are with © Kandy

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Humble beginning

I , Me, Myself ....

The Clinical term is " Multiple Personality Disorder ".

The Personality decompensation in psychotic reactions are frequently manifested in the content and form of spontaneous writings.

My thoughts would clearly reveal the loosening and deviations of thought , the distortion of affect and the lowered contact with reality.

I , Me , Myself.

Disclaimer : The contents presented are the TRUTH , THE ONLY TRUTH & NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH . The contents presented are entirely based on my tryst with destiny and any resemblance to anything living ( except for my conjoint twin) or dead is purely and surely an outcome of your figment of Imagination.
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