Tuesday, December 04, 2007

But it Rained ! - Part - II

No , No , No for heaven's sake this was not a dream (I wish it was!), If it were a dream,

Scenario 1 (Hollywood)

The water inside the bar turns into an enormous Mega tsunami and flows into the streets of Mumbai. Rain is pouring all over the city and the city is now flooded with water. People are on the streets and there are rescue helicopters all over the sky, flashing search lights, Motor boats with cops and emergency ambulance services.

Our Hero all muscular and macho dressed in cargo pants, tight T-shirt and with army boots suddenly discovers that the bar in which he was having a booze is about to submerge , he immediately leaps into the waters, abandons his Harley Davidson and sets out in search for his girl.

He swims half the distance and then manages to find a motor boat and speeds his way through the flooded streets of Mumbai all the way from Powai to Dadar, finds it difficult to maneuver through the narrow streets of Dadar, but successfully finds his way till the Dadar station, without asking for directions.

Trains are running ( Surprisingly ) , and our guy jumps from the top of the bridge to land on top of the train , stands rock solid on top of the train ,baring the rain and of course the train which now speeds towards CST.

Our Guy takes out a Light Machine Gun from his trouser pocket and starts firing rounds at the people ( Terrorists) who are planning an attack on Washington & New York ( I guess a Nuclear Attack ). Successfully eliminates the entire group of almost 5000 odd people with a rocket launcher from his T-shirt pocket. The train speeds and finally reaches CST.

Our fellow takes the help of a local Taxi and reaches Nariman point, now an entire commando team is ready to take orders from him. He directs them to arrange for backup and then single handedly climbs the Air India building and jumps from there with the help of a parachute and lands successfully into the Arabian Sea and swims all the way to the middle of the sea, where the terrorists have our heroine as hostage. Our fellow is not armed, but fights the 100 odd men who are armed to teeth with an ordinary dagger and his fist. Finally deactivates the armed nuclear weapon by reprogramming it with the help of an apple palmtop (Yet to be released in the market).

Secures his girl and kisses her gently and then passionately and rescues her from them and takes her to the motor boat and speeds it all the way to the marine drive, he still has unfinished business.

He searches from one end to another on the marine drive, the clock is ticking, and he has just 3 minutes on the clock. He borrows the taxi from the local taxi driver and makes another surveillance, all are tensed, the clock is ticking there is just 1.5 Minutes on the clock. He goes to the nearby cloth store and borrows some waste cloth ( What ? Keep reading ). He now gets down and ties a rope around his waist and jumps into the water. It’s all dark inside, he swims across and there is only 30 seconds left on the timer.

The whole world is waiting with bated breath, as our guy struggles his way to find the wall built across the sea. With just 5 seconds to go, our hero detects the hole in the wall which is the main cause for the mega tsunami and almost suffocating himself to death, stuffs the cloth into the hole to prevent water passing through it into the city. The clock shows 0:00 and It’s done. The whole world jumps with joy and all are in tears. All are waiting for our hero. There is a long pause, people are waiting.......

Our fellow resurfaces from the water and people jump with joy and commandos salute him with respect. Our heroine runs all the way to meet him, they kiss passionately and everybody around them jumps with excitement.

The screen goes blank and Movie credits roll with a background score.

Our hero could have made use of the table in the bar as a boat to row all the way to the main entrance and would have had a matrix style of fight with the manager...

That’s the Sequel; you have to wait till next summer.

Scenario 2 (Bollywood)

A wedding party on its way home, stops to rest under a banyan tree on which lives a ghost (You heard it right !Keep reading ). The bride lifts her veil and the ghost falls in love with her (Yeah! The Ghost falls in love. In Bollywood there is no discrimination). Soon after they arrive, the groom has to go away on a business trip to Timbuktu for five long years.

He returns back and passes under the same banyan tree (I still haven’t figured out why he passed under the same banyan tree, so has the Ghost), and the ghost, surprised and curious (I believe I shall make it clear to you after the ghost has finished dancing around the trees), takes on the guise of a man to find out his destination. Once he knows the situation, he takes the form of the young man, and goes to the village home. To explain his return to the business-minded father, he invents the story of a saint who has promised him five gold coins if he stays at home. But to the bride he tells the truth.

Blurred and Confused or Overburdened and Confused?? Keep Reading and am sure that you will end up in an old rubbish-heap of confusions.

Coming back to the Story........

The young woman accepts her ghostly lover and they live together for three years. When she is pregnant at last (I am at a loss to understand, forget it!), her real husband, surprised by the news (No wonder!), hurries home.

The father and the villagers are confronted with two identical sons. The father (Still pondering, what went wrong) would prefer to disown the real son for obvious moral reasons, as well as the gold coins. But the villagers, keen to embarrass him, for he is a rich man, demand justice.

A controversy rages while the young woman writhes in long and painful labor. Finally a girl is born (They name her Xena the warrior princess), but the woman refuses to comment on the strange happenings. The two men are led away by the villagers who have decided to take them to court.

On the way the real husband asks the ghost (if he wanted to have a beer, the ghost politely refuses because it is allergic to Spirit) who he is. He is the spirit, says the ghost, that lives under the skin of every woman, and thus has the right to love them all (I wish I was the Ghost!). Before they reach the court, however, the villagers meet a wise shepherd who tricks the ghost into a bag (Yes, you heard it right, A bag) which is thrown into a deep well. The real husband returns home in triumph (Almighty Save him!). His wife silently picks up her homely tasks again with tragic submission, for it is the ghost whom she loves! (No wonder!)

How is this relevant to my story? Who said it is!, No wonder its Bollywood.

I guess its time that you all need therapy....

Scenario 3 (Teakwood)

The Alarm bell did not wake me up. I tried to pinch myself, only to realize that the vast unexplored land of dreams turned out to be barren with no signs of greenery to save me from the clutches of death (Yeah! It’s a little overstated, but kindly bear with me! )

I was still standing on the table and was trying to keep my balance intact. The loud cry was from the kitchen and the waiter was hit by a terrible electric shock. Let me share with you some details, I was not feeling tipsy anymore, in proper Hindi lingo " Ek second main Nasha uthargaya tha ". I felt the pristine freshness of Spring, I was so fresh that I could right away take up an exam in Finance or Decision Models (I hope it Rudely reminded me of life's serious issues, Sometimes life leaves you with no choice).All of us fell into a dreamy silence, each one of us trying to remember our loved ones and cursing each other for having landed up in such a situation.

I felt it was about time to get into the very vestibule of death. I very carefully sank my legs into knee deep water. It was an eerie feeling. (Btw I discovered that I was Alive and Kicking). I now leapt into the water and tried to wade through it and get out of the premises as soon as possible, Nirvana and Bumba followed suit and we took the inner stairs to reach the top and decided to climb down the stairs of an adjoining hotel. While doing so, I asked Nirvana and Bumba if they paid the Bill, The expression which they gave me was keenly intellectual. All I understood was that we had to run. So as you all might be aware of the

#1 the first rule of Booze Club, which enunciates that “In case of any Eventuality be ready for a “FIGHT” or a “FLIGHT” more so, for the latter.

We followed it in LETTER and HIGH SPIRITS.

By the time we were outside the premise a huge crowd had collected and the overhanging electric wire had snapped and had fallen on the ground. A few officials from the Electricity department some cops were also present there to minimize any damages. The rain was incessant , it was still pouring in torrents , Bumba tried to start his vehicle which was submerged substantially in water and finally he managed to start it , all three of us were on the vehicle and even before we realized, all the three of us were on the ground , I don’t know whom to blame it on

Let’s See

a> Alcohol
b> Rains
c> Potholes on the Road
d> All the above
e> Any of the Above

But If I were to bet my life, it would be the invisible option f> - "BUMBA”. With all due respects, he can be safely considered as miserable & pathetic when it comes to driving. (No offence Meant). So we decided to walk all the way back to our hostel and Bumba would not listen, he drove his bike along with us at the same pace as we were walking. It was not that he wanted to give us company but he had no choice. The roads inside the campus were inundated with water, the storm drains were full. We could not make out the difference between the roads and the storm drains. It appeared as if it was level and plain. We came to the middle of the road and kept walking till we reached the hostel. There was no power, no food and no nothing....

A lot of other hostels were submerged too. I had the good fortune of staying on the 7th floor and I was damn sure that it wouldn't rain so heavily that the 7th floor might get submerged.

So I went back to my room , covered myself in blankets , played some soft music and slept peacefully.

By the way, I forgot to mention something;

it was July 26th 2005.Mumbai.

But it rained...........


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